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We are pleased to announce that Camp Cannon in Concord, NC has hired ACTivate Community Through Theatre to provide theatre camps for the fourth year in a row.

This year we are offering half day and full day camps for youth aged 4-15




Cinderella Cinderella

July 8-12, 9am-12pm * Ages 5-9

Poor Cinderella! Life with her stepmother and stepsisters is work, work and more work. And then poof, her fairy godmother arrives, and the rest is well known. A camp filled with creative dramatics, magic, songs, dances, laughter and a happy ever after ending to be presented on the last day of camp.



Harold and the Purple Crayon

July 8-12, 1pm-4pm * Ages 5-9

Get your purple crayon ready to draw and act in your own adventure in this creative dramatic art and acting camp. Stretch your imagination as you use your purple crayon to solve problems you encounter in your daily adventures. Highlights of the week’s celebrations will be presented on the last day of class.



Web Girl and Spider Boy Children of Superheroes

July 22-26, 9am-12pm * Ages 5-9

Join Web Girl, Spider Boy and more in this adventure camp as the Marvel Superheroes’

children save the day. A creative dramatics class using movement, sound, and acting activities

to create an exciting theatrical experience. Highlights of the week celebrations will be presented

on the last day of class.











 IMPROV Comedy

        July 22-26, 1-4pm * Ages 11-14

Create a trunkful of characters in this fast-paced short form improvisation class. Learn to ‘think on the spot’ as well as create structured improvisations. No memorization required. A great life skill. Students will present improvs on the last day of class with a few surprises.





Camps are from 9am-4pm (Lunch hour included)​​


The Lion King 

July 29-August 2 * Ages 8-15

A non-musical short play which tells the story of a young lion or lioness, their parent and  wicked uncle or aunt as they encounter the challenges of the jungle.    Campers will participate in acting games, animal creations, improvisation, music and movement as they rehearse a one-act adaptation of the film for a presentation on the last day of camp.














For more information and to register, see the Camp Cannon brochure starting on page 25.   Click link below.


Web Girl and Spider Boy 


ACT offers educational and performance programs for ages 8 to 100.  Acting, Mime, Public Speaking, Improvisation, Creative Dramatics, Play Production, Life Stories, Playwriting, Speech, One Act Play Festivals and more for Schools, Community Centers and Theatres, Churches and Retirement Communities.  We will design an educational, outreach or performance program just for you.  Please see example of an education production workshop performance of 'Sadako' 

Senior Theatre 'Life Stories'

Arts & Science Council Provides School Funding For ACT Programs

It is our belief that theatre arts training is like any other form of training...the more you do it...the better you get. For example, dancers start classes at an early age and continue weekly, or the athlete who trains every day for years.  Theatre arts training is most effective when students continue to develop their skills in improvisation, character and scene analysis, pantomime, auditioning, movement and vocal production skills.  Theatre education provides more than just acting skills but skills for life.   Please see ACT's Programs funded by the Arts & Science Council for Mecklenburg County Schools.  For more information see:

To Apply:


‘Improvisation can open up the mind to learning in the classroom and beyond’. ACT offers a workshop that demonstrates to students that ‘no script in life is pre-written and they have the power to create a positive, supportive and collaborative community’.  Using Improv games and activities, ACT will provide a means for students to think and create in the moment; collaborate as an ensemble while focusing on respect for the process and one another.  Students will learn the basic skills of improvisation incorporating the four C’s:  Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking.

AnneFrank+Me cropped.jpg

ACT’s ‘WE ARE: Children of…’ Series is a program designed to educate, enlighten, empower, activate curiosity, and involve fourth to eighth grade students in a theatre arts experience as they concurrently learn and write about children in history. For example: Children of the Civil Rights Movement, Children of the Revolutionary War, Children of Famous Presidents, Children of the North Carolina Mills or  Children of the Holocaust.

ACT’s Shakespeare:  Outside the Box workshop is designed to show how Shakespeare’s plays are as accessible to participants and audiences today as they were four hundred years ago. His plays are filled with jealousy, betrayal, war, love and humor. Scenarios include unrequited love (Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night), bullying (Twelfth Night, The Tempest), parent/child relationships (King Lear, The Tempest, Twelfth Night and Romeo and Juliet) or ambition in Macbeth. Our workshops will enliven Shakespeare for youth in grades three to twelve as we take them outside the box.

We bring Shakespeare’s plays to life by conceptualizing and acting scenes which we place in video games, post-apocalyptic worlds, rock concerts, shopping malls, school dances or social media for example. We use social issues of today’s world and the interests of youth that are easily identifiable to participants and audiences to enact our scenes.  

Educational Programs for Seniors 55+

ACT provides acting workshops for retirement homes, churches, community theatres and centers.  

Choices of classes include 'Life Stories', 'Improvisation, a LOL Experience', 'Readers Theatre' and 'Play Production'.  ACT will also design or direct a senior program for your community. 

Senior Theatre Workshop
Senior Theatre Workshop

.Compilation of images from ACT's educational programs. Slides from 'Advanced Acting', 'Shakespeare: Outside the Box' workshop classes and Senior Theatre workshop performance classes.  Please slide.








© 2024 by Activate Community Through Theatre. Powered and secured by Wix

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm
Weekend hours are flexible

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